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Science Technology Engineering Math / Science Technology Engineering Art Math


We partner with youth organizations and school districts to teach our courses at your location or help you create your own program.  With so much funding being taken out of our nation's education system, the task falls on businesses / the private sector to supply new ways to expand our youth's learning.  Our goal is to increase graduation rates in inner city areas and develop youth's interest in technology, art, science and engineering.  We are in the business of changing lives for the next generation!

Commercial from our 2016-2017 Program in Berkeley, CA

Computer Science


Computer science is not just the study of programming and computers.  One must be adept at modeling and analyzing problems.  Computer science also has strong connections to other disciplines. Many problems in science, engineering, health care, business, and other areas can be solved effectively with computers, but finding a solution requires both computer science expertise and knowledge of the particular application domain.

Science Design


A powerful yet enjoyable educational tool for learning about natural design principles. By using some of the same design principles that are found in nature, it is also possible to build designs that are stable.  Students learn to build many different shapes: triangles, squares, pentagons, hexagons, tetrahedrons, octahedrons and icosahedrons.  One day students may be a designer or engineer and create things for other people to use that make use of some of the shapes learned.

Geometric Design


Drawing is one of the most important activities students can do.  Drawing provides a direct link with reading, writing and especially mathematics. The connection between drawing and geometric shapes and measurements simply cannot be denied.  Students will develop critical and creative thinking skills and perceptual awareness necessary for understanding and producing art.      .

Reading, Writing & Coding


DMMSI® has forged a path in preparing students for the reading demands of their future academic and professional pursuits.


Coding is a new type of literacy and will be a large part of future jobs.  We want to prepare students to not only be reading literate, but also coding literate.   We help students develop powerful ways to creatively solve problems, think outside the box and acquire the tools they need to become future innovators.


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Design Engineering Projects immerse students in important concepts in the areas of physical science, technology, and mathematics. The curriculum integrates digital documentation tools with a software programming environment that enables students to creatively apply key concepts in problem solving projects, emphasizing technical writing, oral and written communication skills, and teamwork.



By the end of each course, students can create interactive games or stories that they can share with anyone.  The courses are flexible so the can be tailored based on students’ developmental level and prior experience.



Inside Look
Setup STEM at Girls To Women

The first thing we do is counteract the belief that math and technology is only for boys. By the end of each program, girls start seeing themselves as not only users of technology but also developers of technology. The second thing we do is teach leadership skills and create role models.

Classroom Life


Our girls are called DIVAS: Dynamic Innovators Visualizing Amazing Success and our guys are called FELLAS: Future Entrepreneurs Learning, Leading And Succeeding. (Trademarked & Copywritten)  We work with K-12 students with a goal to reach each youth individually on the level they are at and tailor our resources to their individual needs.  

DMMSI® Copyright 2025

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